
Monday, August 22, 2016


Another acronym! We're LID today, which means "Logged In Dossier"! Our dossier is now officially in the CCCWA system in China and will now be moving through their system to be translated and reviewed. This is a big step! Woo hoo! While we are technically "on hold", the timing has been perfect because things are still happening while we wait. A lot of people have asked when we will have a referral and when we will bring her home. The honest truth is this: We don't know! An educated guess would be that we may travel to China sometime in the Spring/Summer next year, but we really have no idea. We could match our first day off hold or it could take more than six months for a referral. We do know this: God has already chosen our daughter. She was picked for our family before she was born and we will be matched with her when the time is right, whether that time is near or far away. From talking to others and reading the adoption blogs, matching quickly generally means a long wait for your paperwork to be processed to travel and a long wait to match usually means your paperwork will get processed more quickly, so it probably evens out.

My friend from college, Laura, is an amazingly talented photographer and came up from Charleston to take newborn pictures of Charlie and our family! Check them out! This is a link to her blog which has a bunch more pictures of us if you haven't already seen them. There is a link from there to her website too!

Please pray for Graham: I think he's realizing Charlie is here to stay and has had a rough week. It's clear he loves Charlie, but also is having a hard time with adjusting to my attention being split and his routine being different. We did make time for a date on Saturday night, which was so fun!

One of my favorite pictures from because Charlie does this one-eyed face ALL THE TIME!

Graham and mommy go on a date! 

Friday, August 12, 2016

We're DTC!!!!

We're DTC!!!!! What does that even mean?! I have learned through this process that there are a ton of adoption acronyms, and I still don't know what a lot of them mean, but this is a BIG one! DTC is Dossier To China! For months we worked on our home study, chased paperwork, and pursued government clearances so that all these documents could be sent to China, and now, they're on the way! Woo hoo! The next step will be LID (Log in Dossier or Log in Date, I've seen it both ways). This is when we are officially entered into China's system. Our social worker said we can expect that notification in 3-4 weeks, then it will be translated, reviewed, and we'll be eligible to match, sort of. Our home study will still need to be updated to include Charlie before we can match, and that won't be done until late October/early November, but we are definitely moving forward! I was just telling someone on Tuesday how hard it is to know our daughter is "out there", but we don't know her yet and that I get a little jealous of the Chinese Olympians because they get to go home to the country where our girl lives. The timing of the DTC notification is definitely a blessing and is a good reminder that we ARE getting closer to knowing who she is and to bringing her home! While we eagerly anticipate being closer to receiving our match, we are also aware of the precious time as a family of four, because, compared to most families, it won't be long before there are five of us. Charlie is such a sweet baby and has made the transition to four pretty easy so far. We're so thankful for making this big step toward five today!
Why the picture of plate of cookies? Since Charlie was born I try to be intentional about doing special "big boy" things with Graham. This afternoon, we made homemade chocolate chip cookies! I was just taking the first batch out of the oven when I heard Tom call out from his office, "We got an email!" I'll admit I had no idea what he was talking about until I went in and saw the email from our social worker letting us know that this afternoon we were DTC! Woo hoo! And now we have cookies to celebrate!

Snuggles with Charlie this afternoon while our cookies baked :-)

Graham walked to the Bog Garden with Grandma this morning. Yay for a fun DTC day! 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Welcome to the world, Charlie!

Charlie is now two weeks old, so it's about time I tell his story! Two Fridays ago I had been having a lot of contractions (and had had some for the week and a half prior). I called the OB office a day or so after they started and was assured they were just normal Braxton Hicks contractions since they weren't regular and would come and go. I mentioned it again at my Tuesday appointment and was assured that it is very likely I could have some contractions since this wasn't my first baby, but that it was perfectly normal. I was actually given the go ahead to go to Hilton Head Island with my family for vacation, which I had resigned myself to missing out on. We began busily planning to go to the beach and we continued with our normal routine for the week. That Friday I continued to have contractions, they were fairly strong, but not at all regular. We went to the pool with my mom in the morning, since swimming when you're super pregnant is wonderful and really relieves a lot of back pressure and the heaviness of pregnancy (yay for a summer baby!). When Graham took a nap that afternoon, I took a nap, which is not my usual. After the nap, the contractions were still sporadic. We went to JC Penney to return some dresses and had a perfectly normal evening. The contractions continued after dinner, and I was about to call the OB, when they tapered off. As a nurse, I have a bad habit of trying to not be a "needy" patient and I always put off calling the doctor until I know I can't handle the situation. Well, the contractions wore off, so we went to bed. About an hour and half later I woke up to my water breaking. I was induced for being past my due date with Graham, so this was definitely a new experience for us! We were pretty surprised and unprepared, since at that time, I was 34 weeks 5 days. Surprisingly, there weren't any contractions. I called the doctor and was very relieved that my physician was on call. Of course, she instructed us to head to the hospital. I called my mom to come stay with Graham and she was about as surprised as we were to get that midnight call. Once at the hospital, they confirmed my water broke and we were admitted to Labor and Delivery. Still, no contractions. Pitocin was later started to get some contractions going, and it definitely worked. One fabulous epidural later, I was pretty comfortable! Graham's birth took FOREVER, his heart rate kept dropping dangerously low, my epidural wasn't good after three attempts, I had a partial abruption of the placenta, we almost went to emergency c-section twice, and he was eventually vacuum extracted with a double nuchal cord. Talk about drama. This is why everyone was so surprised when Charlie was born at 4:34pm on Saturday afternoon without any fuss and after two easy, painless, pushes. Because he was early, the NICU staff were present for his birth, but he looked great and was able to stay with me for about 15-20 minutes before going to NICU. Charlie was a rock star in the NICU. He did well with his temps, blood sugars, and weighed in at 5lb 5oz. A great size for a not-quite-35-weeker! Graham was 6lb 7oz at more than 40 weeks, so we were impressed with Charlie's size! According to hospital policy, babies born at less than 35 weeks have to go to NICU. Charlie was born 7 hours short of the official 35 week mark. The 24 hours he spent in NICU were very busy, with going back and forth between being with him and being back at my room for the nurses to do what they had to do for me. It was difficult to find time to eat and sleep with also trying to be in the NICU for every feeding. After years of taking care of kids in the hospital, I have a new found appreciation for the parents that have been through it. Charlie was only in NICU 24 hours and it was tough and exhausting. I can't imagine the months long journey many families take. The nurses in the NICU were fantastic and really advocated for Charlie to get to stay in our room the second night. Thanks to their advocacy, and Charlie's good behavior, he was released at 24 hours old and we were thrilled! Up until this point, Graham hadn't met him, since, for obvious reasons, toddlers aren't allowed in NICU. I had missed everyone getting to meet Charlie, since I was stuck in L&D for a few hours after he was born, but I was thankful that I didn't miss this meeting! I have wondered for months if Graham really understood what was happening. I had planned on preparing him more during the month we had left and had signed him up for "Sibling Class" at the hospital for a few weeks before my due date. We didn't get to do any of our planned Big Brother prep activities, but at their first meeting, it was clear that Graham got it! He was excited to see his brother, a little confused about the whole hospital situation, and definitely out of his routine. One thing we had gotten done was prepare a gift "from Charlie" for Graham and Graham brought a gift for Charlie. That went over well! Charlie and I were both discharged on Monday morning. We were all so glad to be home and so thankful for a healthy boy! I am so thankful for God's protection over Charlie and for the wonderful staff that took care of us!
Charlie continues to do well! He is a great eater, which isn't usual for a late pre-term baby, and is up to 5lb 12 oz already! That's 7oz more than his birth weight! We haven't had to supplement feedings in over a week, and for the most part, he sleeps pretty well at night. Graham has been a little blindsided, so we're being careful to spend intentional time with him, as well as trying to maintain his normal routine. He has been a great helper and we are really focusing on the word "gentle"!

And now for a million pictures:
The day before my water broke my friends at work threw a baby shower. Thank goodness they took a picture! Last "bump pic" before baby!

Charles Thomas Harris
7/23/16 4:34pm
5lb 5oz 18 inches

Tom followed Charlie to NICU after his birth. Charlie immediately drank half an ounce of formula.

The second time I got to hold Charlie! They had to roll me up on a stretcher because my right leg wouldn't wake up from the epidural! No complaints though. It was a GREAT epidural :-)

I got to put Charlie's first clothes on him

Graham meets Charlie


First family of four picture

Charlie gave Graham a Big Brother present!

Ready to head home!

Welcome Home Charlie!

Caden, Addison, Collins, Graham & Charlie

At Charlie's first doctor's appointment