
Friday, September 23, 2016

Quick Update, or lack thereof

Not much to share, but it's been awhile, so I thought I would just give a quick update. On August 23, the day after our LID, our dossier was officially in translation. It has to be translated into Chinese to be reviewed by the government, which is the next step. Our home study update isn't scheduled yet, but should be late October/ early November. Our agency checks for dossier movement on Mondays, and if there is a change, our social worker emails us. Needless to say, I check my email compulsively on Mondays. Nothing new recently. The more movement our dossier makes before we match, hopefully the less time we will have to wait to travel after we match.

Graham has started going to preschool half days Tuesday-Thursday, rather than full days. The schedule change, in addition to Charlie's arrival, have thrown him for a bit of a loop. Please pray that his heart would be eased and that he feels a sense of normal soon. I feel like he's getting there. Soon we will start talking to him about having a new sister, but I wanted to let the whole new brother thing settle in first.

Charlie is growing so fast! He's starting to smile, is pretty easy going, and LOVES to watch his brother. Graham was such a tiny baby, so I'm getting used to having a squishy, chunky boy!
Brothers hanging out

Graham at the beach

Charlie smiling!