
Monday, April 11, 2016

Home Study Visit #2- Done!

Today was our second home study visit! Tom and I were interviewed individually about our relationship, our families, strengths, weaknesses, etc. It really wasn't bad at all! The home study process has been a lot different than I expected, which isn't bad, just a surprise. Just prior to our last home study visit, the social worker sent a list of documents we needed. I looked at the list and saw that we had already completed everything there, so I didn't worry about it. Friday afternoon I just double checked the list to make sure we were ready for Monday. Below the list I had seen was a big blank space, then a HUGE list of things that I hadn't seen before! Tom and I spent a lot of time over the weekend gathering birth certificates, marriage license, tax returns, and so much more, even Bennett's rabies vaccination record! I am SO thankful for Tom's organization. He files EVERYTHING, which was very helpful! We still have a lot to gather including our FBI checks, fingerprints, medical physicals, certified county criminal record (really, papers saying there isn't one), some education forms... there is a lot, but it's coming together. We also worked on our conditions list over the weekend. This has been the toughest part of the adoption process so far. There is a list of well over 100 different medical conditions, and we have to state "yes", "no", or "may consider" for each condition. Of course, with our biological children, we get what we get and we deal with it, but what if you could choose? Ugh. This was an emotionally difficult task, to say the least, and I'm glad it's behind us! We have another home study visit in two weeks and then not another one until Charlie is about three months old! The home study itself will technically be finished mid-May and the December visit to see Charlie will just be an update.

Some of our required education includes reading a book by Karyn Purvis called The Connected Child. I am about half way through it, but it discusses a lot of emotional issues adopted kids have, why they have them, and how to connect through it all. This has been a difficult read because it really makes you think about what your child has been through (is going through), and even if they experience it as a young infant, it is still impactful and damaging. It's amazing how God has programmed us as parents to meet all the needs for our children without even thinking about it, like picking them up when they cry, holding them, looking at them in the face, smiling at them, talking to them, and seeking to comfort whatever discomfort they are experiencing. This just isn't the experience for every infant/child. It's heartbreaking, but reinforces to me that we are following God's will with this adoption and I can't wait to have our little one in our arms!! This whole process has definitely been a growing process in so many ways.

-We are able to gather the rest of the needed home study paperwork quickly and efficiently
-Our little one in China is feeling safe and nurtured. It's likely that she(?) has already been born, so prayers for her health and well-being (physically and emotionally) are appreciated
-Patience, endurance, and kindness for the nanny/nannies caring for our little one
-Charlie's ongoing health and development. He's moving like crazy now!
-Graham. He doesn't understand the concept of a new baby coming in August or about the adoption process, but I get the feeling, from his attitude and behavior lately, that he knows something big is changing. Then again, it could just be "terrible two's". Please pray for peace for his little heart and definitely patience for Tom and me!

My mom took Graham on a very long walk this morning so I could finish getting ready for the social worker to come over! It looks like he had fun! 


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